Jofre J., Dubrasquet H., Ramírez M.E., Navarro N.P. & Macaya, E.C. 2021 Guía de Macroalgas Subantárticas: Región de Magallanes y Antártica Chilena. Primera Edición, Punta Arenas, Chile, 160 pp. ISBN 978-956-404-851-2
Macaya E.C., González Garraza G., Navarro N. P., Ramírez M. E., Albornoz, W., Bagur M., Basualdo J. P., Bessega F., Cáceres-Ccaccya D., Jeldres R., Kaminsky J., López E., Marcangeli M., Matula, C. Monachesi R., Novoa L., Perez-Alania M., Reyes-Gómez V., Poblet C. T., Bentivoglio E., Salas J., Silva M. R. 2021. Guía fotográfica: Macroalgas marinas de Ushuaia. Segunda Edición. Editora Cultural Tierra del Fuego. Ushuaia. Argentina. 88 pp. ISBN: 978-987-3642-66-1
Macaya E C., Lopez B., Tala F., Tellier F., & Thiel M. 2016. Float and Raft: role of buoyant seaweeds in phylogeography and genetic structure of non-buoyant associated flora. In: Zi-Min Hu & Ceridwen Fraser (eds) Seaweed Phylogeography: Adaptation and evolution of seaweeds under climate and environment changes. Springer Verlag. pp 97-130.
Macaya E. C., Riosmena-Rodríguez .R, Melzer R. R., Meyer R., Försterra G. & Häussermann. 2015. Rhodolith beds in the South-East Pacific. Marine Biodiversity 45: 153-154.
Lindstrom S.C., Gabrielson P.W., Hughey J.R., Macaya E. C., Nelson WA. 2015. Sequencing of historic and modern specimens reveals cryptic diversity in Nothogenia (Scinaiaceae, Rhodophyta). Phycologia 54: 97-108.
Macaya E. C., Pacheco S., Cáceres A. & S Musleh S. 2013. Range extension of the Non-Indigenous Alga Mastocarpus sp. along the South-Eastern Pacific Coast. Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía. 48: 661-665.
Macaya E. C. & Zuccarello, G. C. 2010. Genetic structure of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera along the south-eastern Pacific. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 420, 103-112.
Macaya E. C & Zuccarello, G.C. 2010. DNA barcoding and genetic divergence in the giant kelp Macrocystis (Laminariales). Journal of Phycology. 46: 736-742.
Macaya E. C. & Thiel M. 2008. In situ tests on inducible defenses in Dictyota kunthii and Macrocystis integrifolia (Phaeophyceae) from the Chilean coast. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 354: 28–38.
Macaya E. C, Boltaña S., Buschmann A., Hinojosa I., Macchiavello J., Valdivia N., Vásquez N., Vásquez J., Vega J. & Thiel M. 2005. Presence of sporophylls in floating kelp rafts of Macrocystis spp. (Phaeophyceae) along the Chilean Pacific Coast. Journal of Phycology. 41: 913-922.
Macaya E. C, Rothäusler E., Molis M., Wahl M. and Thiel M. 2005. Induction of defense and within-alga variation of palatability in two brown algae from the northern-central coast of Chile: Effects of mesograzers and UV radiation. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 325: 241-227.