Mike Guiry: Creador de Algaebase. |
María Eliana Ramírez: Sociedad Chilena Ficología. |
Alison Sherwood: University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa |
Bernabé Santelices: Universidad Católica |
Ricardo Scrossati: Saint Francis Xavier University |
Juan Macchiavello: Universidad Católica del Norte. |
Gary Saunders: University of New Brunswick |
Julio Vásquez: Universidad Católica del Norte. |
Suzanne Fredericq: University of Louisiana at Lafayette |
Fadia Tala: Universidad Católica del Norte. |
Craig Schneider: Trinity College. |
Mario Edding: Universidad Católica del Norte. |
Max Hommersand: University of North Carolina Herbarium |
Erika Fonck:Universidad Católica del Norte. |
Juan Lopez-Bautista: University of Alabama |
Krisler Alveal: Universidad de Concepción. |
Fred Gurgel: University of Adelaide |
Camilo Werlinger: Universidad de Concepcion. |
Bryan Winsor: Roger Williams University |
Alejandro Buschamnn: Centro I-mar, Universidad de los Lagos. |
Joe Zuccarello: Victoria University of Wellington. |
Marcela Avila: Universidad Arturo Prat. |
Jon West: University of Melbourne. |
Cristian Bulboa: Universidad Andres Bello. |
James Coyer: University of Groningen. |
Renato Westermeier: Universidad Austral. |
Juliet Brodie: Natural History Museum, England. |
Ivan Gomez: Universidad Austral. |
Susan Brawley: University of Maine. |
Ricardo Otaiza: Universidad Católica de la Santisima Concepcion. |
Ester A. Serrão: Universidade do Algarve. |
Edna Barrientos: Universidad Católica de la Santisima Concepcion. |
Jessica F. Muhlin: Maine Maritime Academy |
Paula Neill: Universidad Católica de la Santisima Concepcion. |
Hwan Su Yoon: Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences |
Maria C Hernandez: Centro I-mar, Universidad de los Lagos. |
Chris Lane: University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI, USA |
Mauricio Palacios: Ficopatagonia |
Sung Min Boo: Chungnam National University. |
Loretto Contreras: Universidad Andres Bello. |
Lydia B. Ladah: Cisese, Mexico. |
Andres Mansilla: Unversidad de Magallanes. |
Gustavo Hernández Carmona: University of Melbourne. |
Franz Goecke: Universidad de Kiel. |
Patrick T. Martone: University of British Columbia. |
Sylvain Faugeron: Universidad Católica del Norte. |
Mike Graham: Moss Landing Marine Laboratories. |
Juan Correa: Universidad Católica. |
David Schiel: University of Canterbury. |
Alvaro Israel: Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research. |
Catriona Hurd: University of Otago. |
Eduardo Villouta: Department of Conservation, NZ. |
John Huisman: University of Melbourne. |
Alejandra González: Universidad de Chile. |
Louis Druehl: British Columbia. |
Vivian Montecino: Universidad de Chile. |
Paul Dayton: La Jolla, CA. |
Robert Steneck: The University of Maine. |
Dan Reed: University of California. |
Matthew Edwards: British Columbia. |
Daniel Robledo: CINVESTAD-IPN. |
Allan Millar: Royal Botanic Gardens. |
Mark Carr: Long Marine Lab. |
Pete Raimondi: Long Marine Lab. |
Michael Waynne: British Columbia. |
Charles Amsler: The University of Alabama at Birmingham. |
Curt Pueschel: Binghamton University. |
Thierry Chopin: University of New Brunswick. |
Steve Dudgeon: California State University Northridge. |
Dennis Hanisak: Florida Atlantic University. |
Russell Chapman: Scripps Institution of Oceanography. |
Robert Waaland: University of Washington. |
Paul Gabrielson: University of Washington. |
Paul C. Silva: Berkeley, CA. |
Wendy Nelson: NIWA, NZ. |
Markus Molis: Alfred Wegener Institut. |
Inka Bartsch:Alfred Wegener Institut. |
Alecia Bellgrove: Deakin University. |
Gerald Kraft: The University of Melbourne. |
Sean Connell: The University of Adelaide. |
John Bolton: The University of NSW. |
Peter Steinberg: The University of NSW. |
Diane Littler: Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. |
Mark Littler: Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. |
James Norris: Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. |
Heroen Verbruggen: Ghent University. |
Frederik Leliaert: Ghent University. |
Jeanine Olsen: University of Groningen. |
Gareth Pearson: Universidade do Algarve. |
Sandra Lindstrom: The University of British Columbia. |
Mandy Lindeberg: NOAA/NMFS Auke Bay Laboratory. |
Brian Helmuth: South Carolina University. |
Carol Anne Blanchette: University of California. |
Christine Maggs: Queen's University. |